For us to know to serve you best, kindly furnish us the following information:
Contact Person:
Website URL:
Please check appropriate box:
New WebsiteRedesign of existing website
What is your intended launch date for the new site? What is the main purpose of the website? What is the budget range established for this project? What features and services do you think you'll require for the website? Do you have an existing logo? Do you have existing images available? Do you already have content for your website? Is there a theme or a color scheme that you would prefer? What actions do you intend visitors to the site take when they visit the site? (e.g. sign-up, purchase, search for product or info, etc.) What adjectives would you like people to use when describing your site? (e.g. corporate, fun, innovative, elegant, etc.) What are some sites that you like or you find effective in conveying these descriptions? Give the URL's. What are the sites that you don't like? Give the URL's.